First Grade

First Grade Curriculum at a Glance:


The student…

• Uses basic elements of phonetic analysis (ex. Hears, segments, substitutes and blends sounds in words)

• Uses sound/symbol relations and beginning letters (onsets) and patterns (rimes) as visual cues for decoding

• Uses context clues to construct meaning (ex. illustrations, knowledge of the story and topic)

• Uses information from a variety of sources (letters, sounds, pictures, background information, grammar) to figure out unknown words.

• Develops vocabulary by using references (ex. Illustrations, knowledge of the story and topic) to build upon prior knowledge

• Uses knowledge of word endings (including -s, -ing, -ed, -er, -est, -ful) to determine word meanings

• Uses a variety of strategies to comprehend text (ex. Inference, self-monitoring, predicting, retelling, discussing, restating ideas)

• Knows the main idea or theme and supporting details of a story or information piece

• Makes inferences based on text and prior knowledge (ex. Regarding traits, feelings, actions of characters)

• Reads for information used in performing tasks (ex. Directions, graphs, charts, signs, captions)

• Identifies fiction and non-fiction writing



Fluent writers…

• uses prewriting strategies independently ( such as brainstorming, webs, etc)

• uses beginning, middle and end organizational formats in their stories

• uses word wall words, sensory words,

• uses conventional spelling with most frequently used words

• consistent use of spacing, capitalization and punctuation

• writes for a variety of purposes on their own

• able to plan, draft, conference, revise, edit, publish




Number sense

The student…

• counts, reads and writes numerals to 100 or more

• uses ordinal numbers 1st – 10th or higher

• compares and orders whole numbers to 100 or more (<,=,>) and compares two or more sets

• represents whole and fractional numbers using concrete materials and drawings (one-half, one-fourth, and three-fourths)

• represents equivalent forms of the same number up to 10 or more, through the use of concrete materials (including coins) diagrams and number expressions

• counts orally to 100 or more by 2s, 5s, 10s with and without a hundred chart

• uses concrete materials, pictures and symbols to show the grouping and place value of numbers to 100 or more

• demonstrates knowledge of addition (counting up, increasing) and subtraction (taking away, comparing, finding the difference) using manipulatives, drawings, symbols and story problems


• measures length, weight or capacity of an object using standard and nonstandard units

• estimates the passage of time using before or after, yesterday, today or tomorrow; day or night; morning, afternoon or evening; hour

or half-hour

• knows and compares money values to one dollar


• knows and sorts 2 dimensional figures according to their attributes (ex. Vertices, edges, curves and faces)


• predicts and extends existing patterns that are concrete or pictorial

• uses concrete objects to solve number sentences with equalities and inequalities (using the symbols >,=,<)

• solves addition and subtraction sentences where an unknown number is represented by a geometric shape

(ex. 2+ˇ =9)

Data analysis and probability

• uses mathematical language to read and interpret data on a simple concrete graph, pictorial graph or chart

• knows if a given event is more likely, equally likely, or less likely to occur (ex. six blue marbles and two green marbles in a bag


The student…

• investigates several science units using scientific observations and skills.

• explores different science topics including life science, earth science, physical science, and space & technology.


Ideas for helping your child at home:

Language Arts

• Read Daily! Listen to your student read. Read to your student

• Encourage your child to read from many sources including magazines, newspapers, non-fiction and fiction books.

• Read a story with your child playing "word tag" You read some words, then tap your child’s shoulder for him/her to begin reading. Your child will tap your shoulder when it is time for you to read.

• Read a page with "skip reading" You read one word and your child reads the next word. Continue to the end of the page.

• Have your student read the Read Well homework and decoding folders weekly. Review old units as well.

• Provide experiences in writing such as family journals, diaries and learning logs. Provide writing materials.

• Set up a home message board. Write a message to your child every day.



• Help your child figure the amount of change when shopping. Teach him/her how to count back money.

• Sort objects into groups of 2s, 5s and 10s. Practice counting orally.

• Have your child make a monthly family calendar of events.

• Use concrete materials to compare fractions (ex. one-half, one-third, one-fourth). Use real life situations with your child using cookies, pizza, etc.

• Allow your child to survey the family (ex., favorite foods, color or car) and make a bar, line or picture graph.

• Practice basic addition and subtraction facts using flash cards.

• Practice telling time on an analog clock.

• Identify, label and discuss all the geometric shapes found inside and outside your home.

• Have your child assist with recipes and preparing meals.


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