
Kindergarten Curriculum at a Glance:

Readingchildren reading on the floor

The student…

  • Recognizes letters of the alphabet
  • Associates sounds with letters of the alphabet
  • Understands basic phonics :ex., knows rhyming words, knows words that have the same initial and final sounds and blends individual sounds into words.
  • Uses a variety of sources to build vocabulary (ex., word walls, other people and life experiences)
  • Develops vocabulary by discussing characters and events from a story
  • Uses strategies to comprehend text (ex., retelling, discussing, asking questions, using illustrations and sequences of events)
  • Knows the main idea or essential message from a read-aloud story or informational piece
  • Selects materials to read for pleasure


Number SenseKindergarten Math

The student…

  • Counts, reads and writes numerals to 10 or more and counts backwards from 10 to 1
  • Uses language such as before or after to describe relative position in a sequence of whole numbers
  • Compares 2 or more sets (up to 10) and identifies which set is equal to, more than or less than.
  • Uses concrete materials to represent whole number and fractional parts of a whole (ex., one-half and one-fourth)
  • Counts orally by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s using concrete materials, pictures and hundred chart to show the concept of numbers
  • Demonstrates and describes the effect of putting together and taking apart sets of objects
  • Creates, acts out with objects, and solves number problems
  • Estimates the number in a set and verifies by counting

                                                                                    Student being measured with measuring tape next to clothingMeasurement

The student...

  • measures and communicates length, distance and weight of objects using nonstandard, concrete material.    
  • uses direct and indirect comparison to sort and order objects
  • uses uniform, nonstandard units to estimate and verify by measuring length and width of common classroom object.
  • knows measurement tools and uses them for length, weight, capacity and time


The student…

  • knows and sorts 2-dimensional shapes (ex., circles, squares and triangles) and 3-dimensional objects (ex., cubes and cones)
  • recognizes and creates symmetrical figures
  • knows the attributes of circles, squares, triangles and rectangles

Algebraic Thinking

The student…  

  • classifies and sorts objects by color, shape, size, kind and which do not belong in a group
  • Parents reading to childknows that symbols can be used to represent missing or unknown quantities (ex., fill in the missing number in 5, 6, _ , 8)

Ideas for helping your child at home 

Language Arts

1. Use flash cards for upper and lower case letters and practice them daily OUT OF ORDER.


1. Practice counting orally to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s using a hundred chart.


Baby on laptop     The following are things that can help your child succeed.
    Visit your local library. They have virtual accounts for book checkouts. and